Ozone Flows Guide
The following pages describe the data flows orchestrated by Ozone HIS among its supported apps. These flows are fundamental to Ozone's functionality, as they leverage and integrate existing software within the HIS to provide enhanced features that are not available when these apps are used independently.
Flows are documented by pairs of apps, such as:
- Flows between ERPNext and OpenMRS.
- Flows between OpenMRS and SENAITE.
- Etc.
Flows Documentation Structure
The structure of each flows documentation page is typically organized as follows (unless unnecessary or impractical), for each pair of apps: flows overview, flows list and flows details.
1 Flows Overview
This section includes a sequence diagram that illustrates the high-level exchanges between two apps that are facilitated through Ozone. Eg.:
participant Odoo
participant Ozone
participant openIMIS
Odoo->>Ozone: Invoices lines
Ozone->>openIMIS: Claim Items
openIMIS->>Ozone: Payments
Ozone->>Odoo: Payments
2 Flows List
A table that presents an inventory of all the flows between source data elements and target data elements, including the type of relatonship between the source data element and the target data element for each flow. Eg.:
Source | Element | Target | Element | |
Odoo | Customers | ⭆ | openIMIS | Household |
Odoo | Invoice line | → | openIMIS | Claim item |
openIMIS | Payment | → | Odoo | Payment |
Types of flows
- one-to-one →
- many-to-one ⭆
- deletion ⊝
3 Flows Details
In this section, each flow is described in detail, providing plain English explanations of the functional intent and outlining the various options available for each flow, where applicable.