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Enabling & Disabling HIS Components

Ozone uses Docker by default and its Docker Compose setup is stated as a dependency of the distribution by relying on the Ozone Docker Compose project:


What if Docker can't be used?

Ozone's default deployment mechanism could be changed by depending on another deployment mechanism project than Ozone Docker Compose. Such alternatives, that are yet to be developed, could leverage Kubernetes, bare metal installation, Puppet, Vagrant, etc.

This guide will run you through the process of enabling and disabling Ozone HIS components when using Docker Compose as the deployment mechanism.

Introducing docker-compose-files.txt

This key configuration file in the Ozone Docker Compose project serves as the default inventory of the various Docker Compose files that will be run when launching Ozone HIS. Its default content may look like this:

  • The docker-compose-common.yml file defines shared services and configurations that are used across the entire Ozone HIS Docker Compose setup. It includes common settings and dependencies needed by multiple components.
  • The docker-compose-odoo.yml file handles spinning up Odoo, docker-compose-openmrs.yml takes care of OpenMRS, and docker-compose-senaite.yml is responsible for SENAITE.

There will be a default Docker Compose file provided by Ozone for each supported component of the Ozone HIS FOSS ecosystem.

Overriding docker-compose-files.txt

It is possible to define another setup than the Ozone default with your own version of docker-compose-files.txt that you would place here, where "ozone-gruzinia" is the top level folder of your distribution Maven project:

    └── scripts
           └── docker-compose-files.txt

When doing so, it will be your override file located in the scripts directory that will be taken into account, rather than the default file provided by Ozone Docker Compose. This allows you to enable or disable the HIS components of your choice by modifying your version of docker-compose-files.txt.

For instance, the following setup would disable Odoo and use ERPNext as the ERP system within Ozone HIS:

Changing the default ERP system to ERPNext in docker-compose-files.txt


This was achieved by removing docker-compose-odoo.yml (disabling Odoo) and adding docker-compose-erpnext.yml (enabling ERPNext).

OpenMRS Distro HIS with ERPNext

The OpenMRS Distro HIS is a starter distribution of OpenMRS that demonstrates integration with other digital health software, such as an ERP system. It uses ERPNext instead of Odoo, which is Ozone's default ERP component. To achieve this, it overrides docker-compose-files.txt as described above.

See here how this is done.

Further customizing Docker Compose files with docker-compose-override.yml

It is also possible to provide an additional docker-compose-override.yml1 to tweak the default Docker Compose files provided by Ozone Docker Compose without modifying them directly. This pattern is crucial for ensuring that implementers can utilize the default Docker Compose files provided by Ozone as much as possible before needing to maintain their own versions of them.

Adding a docker-compose-override.yml in docker-compose-files.txt


Examples of customizations with docker-compose-override.yml

Adding OpenMRS frontend configuration files

The OpenMRS Distro HIS requires to run its own configuration of the OpenMRS frontend. See here how this can be done.

Bespoke initialisation of OpenMRS' MySQL database

This bespoke configuration ensures that the MySQL service starts with specific settings tailored for the KenyaHMIS project. It also initializes the database with necessary SQL scripts that update and configure the database schema and data according to the project’s requirements.

See here how this can be done.

  1. The YAML file name doesn't matter and can be chosen freely. Additionally, you can have as many additional Docker Compose files as desired.